Drink coffee with creamer? Here’s a great tip on how to use those old creamer bottles! Re-use them as storage for beans, rice, bread crumbs, etc.!
My husband and I drink a LOT of coffee with creamer. We always have empty creamer bottles for our recycling bin. BUT… for the past year or so, I have been “upcycling” the old bottles into storage for my pantry staples. It is a fabulous way to use those old creamer bottles!
I grew tired of plastic bags of rice or beans getting punctured accidentally, and having to clean up a bazillion kernels of rice or beans off the floor. Ugh. Then I heard about this handy dandy tip, and I LOVE IT!
Now, I upcycle something normally discarded, and use those old creamer bottles as a durable storage container (with a pourable spout) in my pantry! I even keep green onion slices in one of them, in our freezer.
Prepare The Old Creamer Bottles
Start with an empty creamer container. Or two. Or three. If you drink coffee like we do (and enjoy creamer in it), you will probably already have a couple bottles handy!
Remove the wrapper from the bottle (slit through the wrapper with a sharp knife, then peel wrapper off… it’s easy!). Wash bottles and lids thoroughly, then let dry.
Fill Them Up!
Fill the clean and dry bottle with whatever items you wish to store. As you can tell from the photo below, the old creamer bottles can be used to hold beans, rice, bread crumbs, quinoa, tapioca pearls, etc.
Make or use a funnel to get items into the bottle. If the beans are too big for the funnel spout, simply cup one hand tightly around neck of bottle and slowly pour the stuff in. Fasten the lid on, and you’re good to go!
HANDY TIP: Label the container. If it’s a product I don’t use a lot, I cut out the instructions from the original bag, and tape it securely to the back of the container. That way I always have the cooking instructions handy!
That’s it! What a great way to use those old creamer bottles! It’s also a practical way to keep these plastic containers out of a landfill. Hope you’ll try this simple tip, and find it helpful. Have a great day!
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Thax for your idea I never thought about it, I would usually throw them in the recycle ♻️ bin, but thax again.
Look8ng for more ideas like this!!